
Monday, May 19, 2014

Just Giddy

I have messed up in the kitchen more times than I can count.  I have worked hard only to taste my creation and be disappointed!  These disappointments stink!  I make myself eat most things, but on occasion I just can't do it!  One good thing about these disappointments is they make the successes seem much sweeter!!!!  This diet has forced me to try things and experiment with food!  My favorite recipe so far is this pot roast!  I made the roast for life group and I just had to try it before bringing it!  Once I put a bite in my mouth I jumped up and down clapping my hands and squealing like a giddy school girl!  Landry looked at me confused, then she joined in!  

Saturday was another giddy food day!  I made plantain crackers found at the paleo mom and they were delicious and easy!  I also made plantain tortillas.  I can't remember whose recipe I used.  It was a mix of two different recipes.  

Sunday was (you guessed it) another giddy food day!  I somewhat made up a recipe!  I wanted pancakes and I wanted them bad!  I have to eat a lot of food on Sunday morning, because by the time we get home from church I am STARVING!  I like the plantain recipes I have found, but they don't keep me full.  I thought, why not throw an avocado in the mix?!  I have made so many mess ups at this point, one more wouldn't be that big of a deal!  Well….. They. Were. Good!!!!  At least Landry and I thought they were yummy!  I can't promise this recipe isn't somewhere else in cyber space, but I didn't find it.  Here is the recipe.

This is what was needed

The process

The results

Here are some successes and failures from the past two weeks!

This Raspberry vinaigrette was just okay.

This was not the greatest meal!  We did not force ourselves to eat this more than once.

I did like the semi sweet treat of coconut cream with blueberries!

I tried making up a recipe and the story behind it could be an entire blog post.  It was horrible!

The first two bites weren't bad, but by the third I was gagging!  The plantain crackers hid some of the nasty!

Receiving our first quarter cow made me more excited than I could have imagined!!!  We love the Butterfield's and I am so happy we were able to support their farm!

Saturday made two complete weeks for me and the AIP diet.  I wish I could say I felt different, but I don't.  I'm still not giving up!  

I linked up this week to the AIP Roundtable!


  1. Wow girl, I'm impressed with all your cooking experimenting! Avocado in pancakes? I never, ever would have been brave enough to try this, but I'm so glad you are finding things that are working for you. You are an inspiration!

  2. Way to rock those foods...minus the gagging one. ;) I think I would absolutely LOVE to get a quarter cow from a local farm where I knew how they did things. I bet that meat tastes delicious!

  3. I'd totally try those pancakes! They look yummy! Sorry about some of the other recipes, but I love that you are sticking with this! You go, girl! :)

  4. Avocado makes everything better, doesn't it? Thanks so much for sharing this recipe at the AIP Roundtable, Casey. I hope you'll join us again.
