
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eight months old and tears!

Landry turned eight months old today and I have been emotional all day!  I don't know if it is the lack of sleep or the overwhelming awareness of how time flies!  Seven months was a huge month for my little bug!
She sat up by herself!

She clapped without help!

She cut three more teeth and has mastered mama.  I am ALMOST positive that when she makes the sound "mama," she understands that I am her mom.

Did I mention the biggest accomplishment the seven month mark brought? I don't think I did!  She can now crawl!  She mastered this last night.  It was the night before she turned eight months!

These moments are so bitter sweet to me.  Tears have literally streamed down my face today, as I thought of my baby who will one day become a teenager and then an adult.  TIME IS FLYING BY!  If I am being honest, the teen years already scare me.  I prayed through tears today that Landry would honor God as she grows.  God reminded me that each moment is a blessing.  No matter what tomorrow brings, God is good!  Watching her as she learns new things is a blessing.  Seeing her mature into an adult, if this is in God's will, will be a blessing.  He reminded me I can pray and cry out to Him, then I must trust and rest in His plan.  I want her to love the Lord with all her heart, strength, and soul.  I want her to honor and trust Him in all things.  I want her to walk so closely with God that she can feel His presence in each and every moment.  I want her to find her joy in God alone.  I don't want her to make the mistakes I have made.  I want her to resist the devil, especially as she enters into the teenage years and into adulthood.  I don't want her to fall prey to the things of the world.  I pray she will desire a relationship with God more than a relationship with anyone!   I pray Alan and I live to see all these milestones in her life.  I look forward to the day my baby girl accepts Jesus and I desire to watch her grow as she learns to trust in God alone.  



  1. Oh I couldn't agree more with your prayers for your daughter and how bittersweet each day and milestone cane be! What a blessing motherhood is!

  2. Aww she's crawling! So precious! Such a big girl! Hard to believe she is 8 months old already! And hey, Landry has a pretty incredible mom and dad to set an example for a Christian life. She is going to grow up to be just as sweet and loving as you guys are!

  3. She is so cute! Don't worry about the teen years. When you develop a deep relationship with your child and disciple her to walk in Jesus' steps then the teen years can be wonderful. There are hormone changes still but the friendship and fellowship you can share with your child as they get older is such a blessing.
