
Friday, November 14, 2014

Briley Calire

I don't even remember the last blog post I posted.  I'm assuming it was over five months ago, because that's about how long I've been sick.  Maybe one day I will be like my sweet Lissie or Rach and blog consistently!  I love reading about all that's going on in their lives and I get in trouble from Rach (not serious trouble) for not blogging more.  Anyway… This blog post is about our newest addition.  Our sweet Briley!

I don't know where to begin.  We found out we were having a baby sometime in July.  We were shocked and excited!  I've written about my fertility struggles and we assumed it would be a long time before we were blessed with another child.  I have some cute pictures documenting all of this, but if I wait until those are uploaded this will never be written.  It's easy to tell by this post that my thoughts are very random and scattered.  I haven't been able to concentrate and things haven't been much different this pregnancy than the first.  I've been pretty sick, but I know it will be worth it!

I am excited for Landry to have a sister.  I hope they love and cherish one another.  My prayers for this baby echo my prayers for Landry.  I want them both to love the Lord more than anything else!  We chose the name Briley, because we agreed on the name.  I wanted her to be a Briley Grace, because the whole situation reminds me of God's grace.  Alan fought for Claire.  It was his grandmothers middle name and he just liked the name.  It took me a little while to give in, but the meaning of Claire is bright or clear.  The meaning made me think of the verse from Matthew 5;

14“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

I want both or all of my children to let their light shine brightly in a way that brings glory and honor to God.

Briley Claire,
Daddy, Landry, and I love you so much already!  I am almost 22 weeks pregnant with you now and all I will remember is the constant sweet movements you make!  You love to move!  You are like your sister in that way! When we ask Landry to kiss Briley, she walks up to my stomach, leans down, and kisses!  We can't wait to meet you!