
Thursday, November 14, 2013


Truth!  Isn't it one of the most beautiful things ever?!  To be set free by truth is priceless!  To have the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders is worth it's weight in gold!  How do I put this into words?  Hmmm.... Let me think...  Let me ask God to put this into words for me...  Walking into a pitch black, extremely quiet house that is located in the middle of no where (that is where I live) can be a scary thing!  The woods behind my house get a little creepy when it is dark!  I scurry for my keys, grab the baby, unlock the door, close the door, and lock it!  Then.... I turn the light on!  PHEW!  I feel better to be locked in my house with all the lights on (my husband does not love me leaving the lights on, but hey its for my sanity)!

That is truth!  It is a light that will shine in the darkness.  Light gives us security, because we can see!  We like to be able to see, right?!  When we are in the dark we stumble, run into chairs, tables, and whatever is in the way.  Is that just me or do you stumble over things when it is pitch black?  Then, the light comes on and the things in the darkness are exposed!  I see the chair, table, and toys, therefore I can walk around them.

Through Christ we are in the light!  The darkness has no hold on us!  We have the right to:
~Walk in a manner worthy of the calling!
~Walk with humility, gentleness, patience, showing forbearance to one another in love!
~Walk in love!
~We do not walk carelessly tripping over things, but we walk with a purpose, we are useful to the
   Lord, we have the fruit of the Spirit!
~We must be careful how we walk!  We have Christ in us!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

That time of year…

It is that time of year again.  Flu and cold season!  I remember this time last year, well a little later into the season, being crippled with fear, because of a simple cold or the dreaded flu.  Then there was RSV and whooping cough.  The thought of my baby girl getting one of these kept us in all winter long.  I am not kidding!  Anyway, I have seen many blogs posting about prevention and also I have read health websites that state the key is always prevention!

Last night, I began to think about these preventative measures, but not in the form of preventing a virus or bacteria.  I began to question, why don't I view spiritual warfare in the same way?  Why not take preventative measures to protect my families hearts and minds, my mind and heart included?  Why do I wait until I am in a storm to fight?  Scripture tells us to wear the armor at ALL times!  I take the necessary measures to prevent sickness from spreading in the house (as best I can), but do I fight every day to prevent satans schemes and attacks that he prepares on this household?  I can't say that I do, but I can say I want to.  It is a desire of my heart.  I began to feel fears creeping up on me as my husband told me a story about a wreck he saw yesterday.  He saw the wreck about 20 minutes after it happened.  It was a head on collision and all four people died.  My heart, was and is, in mourning for the families involved.  Twenty minutes earlier could have changed my life.  Satan wants me to be in bondage to this kind of fear every day.  He desires that I would become obsessed to the point of not enjoying the time God has given me with my family and friends.  He doesn't want me to leave the house, in fear that my child might catch something.  After having these negative thoughts, something new happened. Truth!  Simple, truth!  I heard, "Casey, my dear, I AM in control and all that happens is in my hands.  I AM holding the family of those who were lost in that tragedy.  I AM takes care of all!  I AM giving them extra love and Casey, I AM, is in control of your life and the ones you love.  Rest my dear and trust me to work things out.  You cannot understand my ways, but you must trust me.  Begin to use preventative measure for attacks that will come.  I love you and you are my child."

How can argue with that truth?  I desire to listen and obey.  If you read this please be in prayer that I will listen and obey.  I will pray the same for you.

Wisdom Bestows Well-Being

My son, do not forget my teaching,
    but keep my commands in your heart,
for they will prolong your life many years
    and bring you peace and prosperity.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;
 bind them around your neck,
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will win favor and a good name
 in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today has been rough!  It has been more physically rough than anything.  I have been lying in bed most of the morning.  Even as I write this blog post, it is from my bedroom.  I can hear my little girl outside saying, "Ma-ma."  It is a sweet sound.  Thankfully, my husband is able and willing to be mom, dad, and nurse today.  As the day goes on, I am beginning to feel a little better.  

I was trying to sleep earlier and these verses were played out so loudly in my head, I couldn't sleep. I began to think about what this means.  I have heard it many times and been told all that happens is for your good and God's glory more times than I can count.  What?! How is being sick good?  I began to ask God to show me who He really was.  I want to believe He is good all the time.  I say I believe it, and I want to believe it always.  I asked Him to walk with me.  I can read anyone's biography and learn about them, but to really know someone you must walk with them.  Then it clicked!  Though outwardly I am wasting (we all are), inwardly I can feel the work God is doing inside of me and through this momentary affliction.  These momentary troubles are achieving ETERNAL GLORY!  Eternal is defined by Webster's dictionary as:

Sure, we all want health, but there is something more to this life than health, wealth, and things that perish.  They are just that, aren't they?  They are things that perish.  They are here today, gone tomorrow.  Through these light and momentary affliction I am forced to cling to something.  I can choose to cling to the hope of being well again (which I believe will happen), but what if I put all my hope in that thought?  Where does that leave me if health doesn't return?  It leaves me utterly crushed in my spirit.  A crushed spirit is TERRIBLE and PAINFUL!  This applies to believers and non-believers.  I am sure we have all been there.  Placing our hope in things of this world, only to come out on the other end completely crushed when we are let down.

The alternative is placing my trust in God.  Placing my trust on things above, which cannot be seen, but they are things that are eternal.  By placing my trust in God, I must say, no matter what my circumstances bring I will not be crushed in spirit.  If I become more ill or battle with hidden illnesses for the rest of my life, I do not have to become crushed in spirit.  I can allow circumstances to destroy me or they can build me up for the glory of God.  In this moment I am choosing to trust God and thanking Him for the inward renewal He has allowed.  "The inward renewal that far outweighs them all." In this moment, I see how He gets the glory and works things for my good at the same time.  It isn't the perishable things that are for my good, but the things that will stand long after the fire has consumed every thing.     

The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? 
(Proverbs 18:14).

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Maybe I dreamed it...

As I was looking out of my window and into the woods I could see the rain pouring from the sky.  I felt a tightness in my chest, because I don't enjoy bad weather.  I continued looking out and saw a huge tree with layers of thick branches.  I saw a bottom branch of the tree and noticed it was oblivious to the storm brewing all around.  It seemed to be untouched by the rain.  It paid no attention to the fierce wind blowing around it, because it was protected by many layers of mighty branches.

I feel like I have seen a painting that portrayed a message similar to this before, but I am not 100% sure.  Maybe I dreamed about it.  As I looked at the branch, I could not help but think how amazing it would be to rest in a storm.  I am in a mini storm right now.  I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection that I know little about.  Some people claim it is serious and some say it isn't too bad.  All I know for sure is I have felt horrible, but I am hoping it is because the medicine I am taking.  The first day of being diagnosed,  I was told I had to stop nursing.  I called the pediatric nurse, and she told me it would be fine to continue.  My baby is almost one year and I thank the good Lord I have had adequate milk for so long.  Then, I met a woman who suffered with a severe case of this bacteria.  She has encouraged me to wean my baby, because my body is being depleted of nutrients as it battles against this stubborn bacteria in my gut.  I have been praying for quiet some time, that I would trust the Lord more.  When I found out about this stubborn bacteria that is resistant to a lot of antibiotics, I felt as if I would crumble.  It was and is another weird thing that my body will endure.  First it was the interstitial cystitis, then the endometriosis, and other strange invisible illnesses,  and now this.   When I found out it can be contagious I did crumble.  Thankfully, with precautions it can be kept from my family.  I immediately felt guilt for not trusting God in this.  If I am being honest soaking my hands in bleach will not be the ultimate protector of my family, but God will.  This is not fun.  I don't wish it on anyone.  I just pray, God will be glorified through it all.  I want to pray for healing, but it almost feels selfish.  More than anything, I want to be like that branch I saw in my back yard.  Calm, even in the midst of the storm!  I'm not there yet, because fears creep up and I begin to think this round of antibiotics will not kill the bacteria.  I think, "What if my family or someone else gets this?"  Then I think, if the antibiotic doesn't work, the world will keep going and God can still use this for His glory.  That still, small voice continues to say, "Rest, rest, rest!"  I want to listen until that small voice is audible and my fears are washed away. After the storm, when the sun comes out, I hope to be like that little branch, untouched by the storms of this life, and trusting in the God of this universe.